By Chandrayee Roy Choudhury, Canada: When asked if he had killed a 19-year-old man, Hunter Van Mackelberg smirked at his friend and said, "My grin says it all."
That was some of the evidence considered by Calgary Judge Glen Poelman, who convicted Van Mackelberg of second-degree murder on Tuesday following a trial that started in October.
On Feb. 15, 2020, Van Mackelberg shot Kalix Langenau in the back of the head at point-blank range.
Both the killer and victim were 19 years old at the time.
Van Mackelberg's girlfriend was a woman whom Langenau had once dated. The night he was killed, Langenau exchanged texts and called that woman. Van Mackelberg found out.
Van Mackelberg's animosity toward Langenau grew through 2019 and into 2020.