182 Years Of Ukhra Rathyatra

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182 Years Of Ukhra Rathyatra

BY A STAFF REPORTER: In the last two years, there has been no festival surrounding the Rathyatra due to corona infections and lockdowns. This time the situation has become much more normal and it is hoped that the common people will be able to participate in the Rathyatra festival. Rathyatra festival is next 1st July. Preparations are underway across the country for the festival. In the village of Ukhra in Andal, a festival is held every year around the chariot of the zamindar's house. The chariot of the zamindar's house in Ukhra village is one of the ancient and traditional chariots of the former Burdwan district. Shambhunath Lal Singh, the formar zamindar of Ukhra village, started this rathyatra in 1841 AD 162 years ago. On the occasion of Rath, renovation work of Rath and Rath Ghar is going on at present.  Anuran Lal Singh Hande, a member of the zamindar's family, said that at the beginning, the chariot of the zamindar's house was made of wood. A few years later the brass chariot was built. There is an old chariot house about 35 feet long and 16 feet wide to take care of the chariot. It is currently being renovated. Anuranbabu also said that although the Rath Ghar has been renovated a few times, this is the first complete renovation work. Terracotta carvings are being done all over the outer wall of the house. The terracotta work is depicting the images of different deities as well as the different moments of the chariot procession. Experienced artists from the surrounding Birbhum district have been brought in for the perfect work.