BY A STAFF REPORTER: "More than 77,000 war crimes charges have been filed in Ukraine," prosecutor general Andriy Kostin said. "Incidents of alleged war crimes include not only murder, not only humiliation and rape, but also destruction of private property," he said. This includes forced exile. These include the forcible detention of Ukrainians in the occupied territory. These include widespread looting of occupied territory and many other war crimes. The chief prosecutor said he had 305 alleged criminals who had been "informed of the suspicion", of which 150 charges were ready and 30 had been convicted "by a Ukrainian court concerning Russian war criminals" who had committed alleged crimes on Ukrainian soil. "More than 99 percent of the war crimes committed against Ukrainians will be tried in Ukraine. ' "We are investigating war crimes during the ongoing aggression. We're not only investigating them, we're holding the Russians accountable for war crimes committed on Ukrainian soil. "