Min Ghulam Rabbani Tells Why Smokeless Chulha Is Important For Mothers

The West Bengal Pollution Control Board organized an environmental workshop and model exhibition in Goalpokhar Block 1. Moreover, Minister in Charge of the Department of Environment Mohammad Ghulam Rabbani participated in the event. 

Rupanjal Chauhan
New Update
Ghulam Rabbani

Ghulam Rabbani

BY A STAFF REPORTER: The West Bengal Pollution Control Board organized an environmental workshop and model exhibition in Goalpokhar Block 1. Moreover, Minister in Charge of the Department of Environment Mohammad Ghulam Rabbani, along with Board Chairman Dr. Kalyan Rudra and other prominent individuals, participated in the event. 

During the event, Minister Mohammad Ghulam Rabbani emphasized the importance of smokeless chulha and stated "Smoking is harmful to health, as written on all cigarette packets. But mothers are in the kitchen from the day's start. Due to the excess smoke, it becomes dark in the kitchen. This affects the lungs of our mothers. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is special. Thinking about women, she created a special type of stove where there is no smoke and it doesn't harm mothers." After that, scientists developed a smokeless stove.

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