Best Bengali snack 'Nimki' for kalipuja! try it

Thinking what to cook as snacks for diwali. Since it is a grand occasion petpuja or foodgasm is a must. So here is crispy crunchy recipe of pure Bengali dish.

Anusmita Bhattacharya
New Update

By a staff reporter: Read out the Method.

• In a bowl mix Flour, 2 tbsp White Oil, Nigella Seeds, Carom Seeds and Salt. Stop mixing when it looks like bread crumbs

• Add Water little by little

• Knead until it becomes a firm dough. Now rest it for an hour

• Now roll the dough into a log

• Divide the dough in four equal sections

• Grease the Belon Chaki with oil

• Roll out each section as much thin as possible

• Cut it into small-medium diamond shape 

• Heat White Oil in pan

• Fry the shapes at very low-medium heat

• Takes 10 mins per batch until both the sides show brownish

• Keep the Nimki on a kitchen towel after frying

• Store it in a air tight glass jar once all the fries are completely cool