BY A STAFF REPORTER : Have you ever heard of a palanquin ambulance ? Travel to Buxaduar, Alipurduar District to see one actually with your own eyes.
Buxa Dooars, located on the high top of mountain plateau near Indo-Bhutan International Border of Kalchini Block in Alipurduar District is totally inaccessible. This area covers eleven villages and is situated in the northern part of the district of Alipurduar, on the Indo-Bhutan International Border. The area is covered by deep forest. Most of these villages are very remote where no other communication is possible to reach out other than trekking.
Being the remotest inaccessible location of the district and having no connections of these villages with the mainland through any motor able road, the health family welfare department started to provide all regular and routine healthcare services with the help of FPAI in this inaccessible area.
In this connection, “palanquin ambulance” service was planned to assist the emergency patients and needy pregnant women of Buxa Doors for accessing the medical care facilities including institutional delivery. The “palanquin Ambulance “will help the emergency patients and pregnant mother to reach up to Zero Point. From the Zero point, the ambulance is provided by the government to reach the hospital. The “palanquin Ambulance” is specially designed with informative materials on protection of girl child, institutional delivery. With the help of the “palanquin Ambulance”, 2082 (1098 male and 984 females) of Buxa Duar will be benefited, according to district magistrate Surinder Meena. Previously, during trekking, the pregnant mothers were carried by hanging on the bamboo with the help of the cloth.