Khan choose a dangerous profession: friends

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Khan choose a dangerous profession: friends

BY A STAFF REPORTER: Imran Khan is an old friend and used to frequent his house in south Kolkata when the Pakistani was at the peak of his career. But Virendra Nath popularly known as Vinoo has not been in touch for the last five years since Imran joined politics and went on to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan. 

ANM News accessed a couple of old photos of Khan in front of Nath's Bentley and also in the drawing room of his bunglow in south Kolkata. Nath and Khan were close friends till a few years ago. 

When ANM News quizzed him for his reaction following the attack on Khan, Vinoo, a businesman who shuttles between London and Kolkata said, ``It's inevitable.'' According to Khan;s friends, the former cricketer has decided to choose a dangerous profession in a volatile country.