BY A STAF REPORTER: Only two days left. After that we will enter the new year i.e. 2023 to 2024. Before that, on the night of December 31 i.e. New Year's Eve, people are going to descend all over Kolkata. Strict security has been taken especially in the Park Street area of Kolkata. In this situation, the state police has taken various steps.
According to news reports, strict surveillance is in place on Park Street and surrounding areas. This area will have the highest number of police. On December 31, 2400 policemen will be present in Tilottama.
Also informed that on 31st night and 1st January Park Street area is being divided into 6 sectors. 10 Janputi Commissioner rank members will be in charge of security. Several inspectors, sub-inspectors will work together.
Also, there are 3 watches in the New Year celebrations. The police will keep strict vigil on them. Special surveillance is in place for important places in the city. Victoria, Zoo, Tara Mandal, Church, etc. have extra police force for vigilance. One inspector rank member will be in charge of each place.