The programme is being organized by Border Security Force (Ministry of Home Affairs) in collaboration with Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (Ministry of youth affairs and sports) Govt of India.
During this entire tour, the youths shall visit and stay in their venue i.e Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) from 14th to 20th March-2023 and will participate in various events organized by the Tamil Nadu State. During the visit, they would get an opportunity to meet constitutional authorities such as Governor of the State, great achievers, sports personalities, film/TV stars and other important personalities of the State. They would also get orientation in career guidance and counseling on Industrial training. They would also visit major industries/corporate houses, institutes of national importance, historical and cultural places for better understanding of the social and cultural ethos of the country. The entire program is planned to enhance their level of knowledge and provide them better exposure at a bigger platform which would help them to seek a bright career ahead.