Why is Diwali celebrated?

Aniruddha Chakraborty
New Update
Why is Diwali celebrated?

BY A STAFF REPORTER: Diwali begins with the dhanteras ceremony on the day of Krishna Trayodashi in the month of Ashwin. The festival ends with a bhaidooj ceremony on shukla dwitiya tithi of Kartik month. But do you know why is Diwali celebrated? As per Hindu calender, In Mahalaya, meteors are lit to show the way to the ancestors who left Yamalok to take shradh and came to the mortya.

For this reason, lighting and fireworks are burnt on that day. Some light candles in the doors and windows of their homes at night; Someone lights a lamp in a small room made of paper on the head of a tall bamboo; It is called the sky lamp in the regional language. Deepavali means the festival of lights.