By a Staff Reporter: From todays' Pm conference it is known that, Trinidad government will go to parliament on 17 November,2021 to revoke the state emergency. And at the same time some rules have to be followed to deal with corona. 1. Continued to mandatory to mask wearing.
2. public gathering remain at 10 persons.
3. party boats and night clubs will remain closed. public fetes and parties remain prohibited.
4. current arrangement for schools remain place. Students in forms 4-6 attends.
5. religious serviece remain at 90mins. places of worship at 50% capacity. These capacity rules apply to funerals, weddngs and christening serveice. Gravesites limited to 25 persons.
6. Bars, Resturants, cinema, casinos etc will continue to offer full serviece including alcohol at a capacity of 50% for safe zones.