BY A STAFF REPORTER : The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries the Chinese consulate in Kolkata launched the short term online business Chinese certificate course in association with Yunnan University and Foreign Affairs Office of the Yunnan province in China. There were 20 participants from organisations such as CESC, DVC, Exide Industries, Mindtree, Navitus Controls and Equipments, NEO enterprise, OM leather and Tata Steel, according to senior officer bearers of the Chamber. There were also international participation from Bangladesh.
Ma Xiaoyan project manager Yunnan University and Dong Chengsai, Chinese teacher of Yunnan University were trainers of the course. The Chinese consul general Zha Liyou welcomed the participants and interacted with them in his house in Salt Lake in Kolkata. Liyou emphasised the growing trade relations between India and China and hoped that basic knowledge of the Chinese will help the participants in their scope of work. The President of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Subir Chakraborty who is also the managing director and chief executive officer of Exide Industries along with Zha Liyou handed over the certificates to the successful participants.