Fierce fighting inside Russia

Explosion near the Headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov-on-Don. Fierce fighting is taking place

Anusmita Bhattacharya
New Update

Own Correspondent: Russia is fighting a two prone war. Within Russia with mercenaries who owe allegiance to them and with Ukraine. The war with mercenaries, belonging to the Wagner group, is being fought inside Russia. The war against Ukraine is being fought in Ukraine territories which Wagner group mercenaries helped Russian soldiers to capture.

Reports and videos emanating from inside the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don showed that explosions are taking place inside the regional military headquarters and Russian soldiers and military leadership have fled the building and the area. Fierce fighting is taking place on the streets of Rostov-on-Don and people are seen running for cover. Fighters of the Wagner mercenaries are making progress after capturing the city and fate of local Russian civl and military leaders are unknown.